
Text to speech for PDF


Drag & Drop your PDF file to blue zone above
Wait for file to be converted to text
Activate Readvox and press play


Convert your PDF to text

Use our PDF converter to turn your PDFs into text that you can listen to or copy for other needs.

Listen to your PDF

Use the Readvox text-to-speech Chrome extension to listen to your PDF with lifelike AI voice narration.

Secure and private

Your file can only be accessed by you and will be irreversibly deleted from our servers.

Easier reading

Converted text is structured for easier, more comfortable reading and can be copied to your clipboard.

Better understanding

Experience improved understanding and retention as you read along while listening.

Max 50 pages per doc

The maximum number of pages per document that can be converted is 50, but this may increase soon.

Window, Mac, Linux

This PDF-to-text-to-speech converter works online in your browser. No need to download any software.

Desktop, tablet, mobile

You can use this converter on all devices, desktop, tablet or phone. As soon as it has web browser.

For students and professionals

This pdf-to-text-to-speech converter is perfect for students, professionals, enjoying listening to their PDFs.

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